
Trading Crypto Company

Next Generation

AIGenie Crypto

Cryptography, encryption process of transforming information
referred to as plaintext) using done.

available Mobile Apps

What is AIgenie?

We Built a AIGenie Crypto Platform

To Buy & Sell Shares

AIGenie Cryptocurrencies are used primarily outside existing banking and governmental institutions and are exchanged over the Internet.Progressively fabricate interactive

Assertively matrix maintainable initiatives through robust human capital. Dramatically drive leveraged channels without focused in alignments. Objectively recaptiualize professional bandwidth after transparent interfaces.

AIGenie Crypto Features

AIGenie Crypto Best Features

AIGenie Cryptocurrencies are used primarily outside existing banking and coingovernmental institutions and are exchanged

Web 3.0 Development

Advanced Web 3.0 solutions, enhancing user experiences through decentralized applications and blockchain integration.

DeFi 2.0 Development

DeFi 2.0 innovation, creating decentralized financial solutions with enhanced security, efficiency, and user-centric features.

dApps Development

Develops decentralized applications (dApps), transforming industries through blockchain-powered solutions with robust security and seamless functionality.

Smart Contract Development

Smart contract development, creating secure, automated, and trustless agreements to optimize business processes on the blockchain.

Exchange Platform Development

Delivers cutting-edge cryptocurrency exchange platforms, ensuring scalability, security, and a seamless trading experience for users worldwide.

Wallet Development

Specializes in secure wallet development, providing users with reliable and user-friendly solutions for storing and managing their digital assets.

AIGenie Token Sales

AIGenie Token Sales

AIGenie Cryptocurrencies are used primarily outside existing banking and coingovernmental institutions and are exchanged

Exchange Rate

1 ETH = $39000.00

1 BTC = $120.00

Monthly Rate

Low = $39000.00

High = $120.00

Private Sales

1 BTC = $39000.00

Bonus 65% (1.10)

Public Sales

1 BTC = $39000.00

Bonus 65% (1.10)



Ave. Invest($) : 1200

Pivot Points

1 ETH = $39000.00

1 BTC = $120.00

AIgenie Token Sale Start in

  • Days
  • Hours
  • Mins
  • Sec
  • Soft Cap
  • Crowdsale
  • Hard Cap

AIGenie Token Sale Proceeds



Stratagy & Roadmap

AIGenie Cryptocurrencies are used primarily outside existing banking and coingovernmental institutions and are exchanged

Sep 2024


Airdrop idea/Community Buildup.

Oct 2024


Aigenie WALLET,Aigenie Bscscan,Binance Bscschain.

Nov 2024


Aigenie Listing on Coinmarketcap.

Dec-Mar 2024


Aigenie NFT Market Place Neuulyfe Blockchain & Aigenie Solidity Aigenie Smart Contract

Features of Crypto

We Built a Crypto Coin

To Buy Sell Shares

Cryptocurrencies are used primarily outside existing banking governmental institutions and exchanged

Create New Account
Link Your Wallet

Our Team

Investor Board

Cryptocurrencies are used primarily outside existing banking governmental institutions and exchanged


CEO & Lead


Marketing Officer


Lead Product Manager


Marketing Officer


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